Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Dog Tired Excercise

Where did the phrase Dog Tired come from? According to it means to be physically exhausted, and comes from an old tale of Alfred the Great who used to send his sons out with his large pack of hunting dogs. When his sons Athelbrod or Edwin would round up the dogs, the one who had the most would get to sit at fathers right hand that night at dinner. These chases would leave them dog-tired. Well duh.... I am finding that out, after getting a rescue bird dog, oh boy, do they like to run, and run, and run some more!! The poor thing was orphaned and had to be nursed back to health so that explains the gap in my supposedly daily blog!! The dog is so loving, but like having a shadow, the dog rarely leaves my side. It helps motivate me to get out several times a day to have the natural exercise that type of dog craves! Which involves getting some outdoor type pants with drawstring, I expect to be tightening them up very quickly at this rate. Never having run before it is all new to me, especially since I already had one dog, with short legs, now when they both take off, it is take off with them or do a face plant in the dirt! So I try to pick up the pace for the time that I can without passing out, although I am out of breath. Hopefully that will pass the more I acclimate to the regularity of the run/walk/run exercise dog tired plan. What if you don't have a dog or any animal to exercise? Well just google walk/run exercise and here are a few of the ideas that pop up:
The 300-Calorie-Burning Walking-Jogging Workout

Run-Walk-Run to Faster Times, Faster Recovery

Walk Run Off the Pounds

Our Walk-to-Run Plan

Yes this comes in handy because today is National Chocolate Cake Day!!!
Who thought of that??

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