Friday, January 29, 2016

Surfer Girl Diet

Came across a diet from a Surfer Girl Diet from Frankie Harrer. Some of it is very easy like drinking Coconut water. Here you see it in the fridge, but I actually think it is sweeter at room temp.
Other tips are working out underwater?! Carrying weights and learning to hold your breath longer.
Yep maybe if you live somewhere warm and have a pool!!
Her go to salad includes mixed greens, plum tomatoes, a whole avocado, quinoa or lentils, scallions, pumpkins seeds, shaved carrots, cucumber, red bell peppers and persimmons (for a touch of sweetness!). Seems like an odd combination to me! Fresh ingredients are always better if you can source them. Other odd diets have been around forever. I will be sharing some of them over the next few weeks. Feel free to share your favs!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Dog Tired Excercise

Where did the phrase Dog Tired come from? According to it means to be physically exhausted, and comes from an old tale of Alfred the Great who used to send his sons out with his large pack of hunting dogs. When his sons Athelbrod or Edwin would round up the dogs, the one who had the most would get to sit at fathers right hand that night at dinner. These chases would leave them dog-tired. Well duh.... I am finding that out, after getting a rescue bird dog, oh boy, do they like to run, and run, and run some more!! The poor thing was orphaned and had to be nursed back to health so that explains the gap in my supposedly daily blog!! The dog is so loving, but like having a shadow, the dog rarely leaves my side. It helps motivate me to get out several times a day to have the natural exercise that type of dog craves! Which involves getting some outdoor type pants with drawstring, I expect to be tightening them up very quickly at this rate. Never having run before it is all new to me, especially since I already had one dog, with short legs, now when they both take off, it is take off with them or do a face plant in the dirt! So I try to pick up the pace for the time that I can without passing out, although I am out of breath. Hopefully that will pass the more I acclimate to the regularity of the run/walk/run exercise dog tired plan. What if you don't have a dog or any animal to exercise? Well just google walk/run exercise and here are a few of the ideas that pop up:
The 300-Calorie-Burning Walking-Jogging Workout

Run-Walk-Run to Faster Times, Faster Recovery

Walk Run Off the Pounds

Our Walk-to-Run Plan

Yes this comes in handy because today is National Chocolate Cake Day!!!
Who thought of that??

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Be Inspired Buy Clothes Not Food

Be Inspired c.2016 ZeroCalorieKid

When you can buy itty bitty under things, It's obvious that you aren't spending your money on food. So what will you spend your food money on?? If you don't buy fast food, Krispy Kreme, or Starbucks every week, well it adds up. So say goodbye to your granny panties, and put your money towards something worthwhile, Like a designer purse!! Or maybe implants! I have seen so many before and after shots and some women loose all their boobs - yeah the one place you don't want to loose it!! That's my rant for today. Whatever you do stay inspired!!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Bones- Not Sold In Any Store

Bones Copyright 2016 ZeroCalorieKid
Collar bones, haven't seen mine recently!! Are you big boned? How much does bone structure play in your predisposition to gain or loose weight?  One report I saw said that your bones take up 14-20% of your body weight. That's not very much! The rest is muscle, organs, tissue, fat and water!! Point is we can't control how much our bones weigh but we can control how much fat is put on those bones.
We can't buy a new store bought skeleton for ourselves. If we want to see our own bone structure, then of course some of the fat has to go. That being said, a lot of models swear by diet tea. There are  numerous brands on the market - you can shop any health food store or amazon. One brand is 3 Ballerinas. Some of the tea can have a laxative effect so if you are unfamiliar with the ingredients of the tea, you need to do some research before you take it. You don't want to drink it right before an interview or important event and spend the whole time in the toilet!! I have some organic Jasmine Green tea that is calorie free. It's a great hot tea for winter.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Don't EAT

Fatty fatty two by four, couldn't get out the kitchen door,
So she binged and ate and purged some more......

Don't be that girl. Know when to stop. Its true that food never fails.
It always satisfies you unlike other things and people in your life, food will never fail
to fill you up, make you satiated....But you absolutely must find other ways of making
yourself happy. Food is not your friend. Eat to live, but don't live just to eat.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Your So Vain

Your So Vain copyright 2016 ZeroCalorieKid

Mirror Mirror on the wall who's the Fairest of them All?  How many times a day do you look in the mirror? As much as possible or as little as possible? If you don't like what you see get off your butt and change it. Make this the year of change. Michael Jackson had a song called Man in the Mirror, it talks about making a change... so be like Nike and just do it.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

A Chicken (soup) a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!

Chicken a Day Copyright ZeroCaloridKid 2016

The cure for what ails you is Chicken soup, at least that's what mama always said. But the reason mama's chicken soup was so good was that she made it creamy thru the addition of butter and yes cream!! That adds tons of calories. The hot broth is the beneficial part. It is so mild that it can even be given to infants. For most of us we don't want soup per se everyday. But we do need some protein, even if your vegan. Find some way to squeeze it in your diet. If you do like soup then it is easy to add some without the calories-- make it yourself so you control the ingredients. I use some bouillion with celery, green onions, mushrooms, a few carrot shreds, chives, parsley, garlic and salt and pepper. If I am in a hurry I grab some instant miso soup= very lo calorie, or lipton's instant cup of soup for 50 calories. Use the freshest ingredients you can find, and the best you can afford. IF you are fasting, restricting or dieting, then eat kosher or organic. It may cost more especially for cuts of meat but since you are only eating a mouse size portion, you won't be breaking the bank. Don't treat your stomach like a garbage can. You deserve the best so only eat the best! So don't feel guilty if you have to put your own stockpile of special food in your own special area. I live in a blended house so we share a freezer. One person got a zip up thermal bag that you buy in the grocery store to keep your frozen items cold until you get home, and they put all their stuff in it in the freezer with their name on it. Nobody else can even see what's inside! You could do this for the pantry or fridge as well by getting some plastic containers that nobody can see into and put your name on them. Keep it under your bed or in your closet if you have to. Making healthy choices means you choose to follow thru by having healthy options around when you need them.  You have to be your own health police, even if that means eating soup everyday!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

They Say Nobody's Perfect

Perfection Copyright 2016 ZeroCalorieKid
They say nobody's perfect but you wouldn't know that by looking at fashion magazines. If I was modeling a bandaid swimsuit I'd think I was pretty perfect. Maybe it's just perfect lighting or perfect airbrushing, or the perfect workout and diet. We all have to have goals and little milestones to achieve. If your milestone is fitting into that perfect swimsuit (if it exists let me know where to find it), then tailor your routine, habits and lifestyle to that end. Keep it fresh. Even Oprah is back on the bandwagon with her new WeightWatchers commercials, Dr. Oz has a New Day Off diet. See what options are out there for you, pick something and try it. I just got a new book on fasting 2 days a week, seems do-able. Whatever you do keep moving, You don't get a bikini body by sitting on the couch. I did yard work yesterday after a storm there were a lot of limbs and debris so I hauled it to the burn pile. Also to distract myself from food, I started back clipping coupons again and sorting them into a binder that is supposed to hold baseball cards. Then at the store I got free razors and vitamins.
Yippee, onwards to fat free....

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Plan Of Attack

diet food
No Bread Copyright 2016 ZeroCalorieKid
Plan of attack is what this photo should be called.  Avoiding carbs is so hard. Especially in winter!
I had to accompany a relative to the hospital yesterday and wore flip flops (cause I would be inside the whole time) NOPE-- it was freezing in there!! By the time we had gotten out I was starving and freezing cause I had vitamins for breakfast, it was way past lunch time and we still had to go to the pharmacy. So yes I binged out on carbs, A plate of shrimp fried rice!! So people the moral of this story is to have a plan of action, or attack to avoid carbs when you are stressed or don't plan ahead. I should have put my own healthy snacks in my bag but all I had was breath mints.... not a suitable plan. I have several heavy duty thermos containers that at the least I could have filled with soup broth or hot coffee. So my plan of action for today is to bundle up in my winter hat that looks like an owl and get off my bum, get out walking my dog, and avoid carbs since I had enough yesterday for a week, plus too many carbs makes me fart.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Manic Monday

Overcome Obstacles Copyright 2016 ZeroCalorieKId

Just getting out of bed on a Monday is an accomplishment!! Nevermind that I have to dust off my scale
and install my food tracker app! Tiny little obstacles that you overcome will help you to master
the bigger things. And you are in this for the long hall.. Remember that...

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Sunday Dinners!!

NO FOOD copyright 2016 ZeroCalorieKid
Before I knew it I was slugging down a giant glass of sugar water known in the south as sweet tea!Just say no!! It's hard when you eat with family!! You just get pulled in!!  Boy did it make me nauseous!! Now I need to drink 5 gallons of water to flush out my system. Tomorrow is another day so lets just be glad we are not faced with Sunday dinners everyday. Stay strong my friends. It's the beginning of the week tomorrow so get back to basics and restrict like there is no tomorrow!!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

How many people want to remake their unfavorite body parts??!!
Me me me...... Some things can be fixed without surgery like the new body wraps you can have done. Or do them yourself at home. Get a corset to "train" your waist. Also there is a face tightening mask you can wear at night for your face and neck! Wow!! Maybe I will just stick to my diet first and see how my body changes and then go from there to make further improvements. Anyway I am sharing a new page from my thinspo scrapbook. Taken from ads in national magazines, newsletters, and junk mail that I receive I reword it to say what I want it to say!!! Once you start looking it is really comical what you can find. This page is called remodel. How many of us would if we could. And the caption.... very fitting for the illustration. Original Inspiration You saw it here first. Click on photo to see bigger detail!

REMODEL Copyright 2016 ZeroCalorieKid

Friday, January 1, 2016

Back on the Bandwagon!!

Who is ready to try this again!!??? Everyone has to reach that rock bottom point for themselves.
Yeah, that's me, I have had it with all the judgements. I am ready to do this and say in your face to all the critics!! I started my own scrapbook with images that I cut from magazine to make my own collage scrapbook. I will be sharing them with you. Feel free to comment and share your goals or what you will say to the critics!!

copyright 2016 ZeroCalorieKid